Thursday, October 13, 2005

Ask Stupid

Well, I've done it.

Consider this your all-around advice blog. If you have an ettiquette question, relationship question, or anything else you have been wondering about, just ask.

You can ask a question by posting a comment on the bottom of this blog. I will pick a question from each blog entry to create a new entry.

Since this is the first entry, you MAY BE the first to get your question answered by the venerable Stupidramblings.




At 13/10/05 3:48 PM, Blogger Th. said...


This cannot be passed up.

So here's a question:

For well over ten years now, people all over the country have called me Jeff for no apparent reason. I don't really mind, but maybe I should be. Who is this Jeff person that everyone keeps mistaking me for?

At 13/10/05 10:56 PM, Blogger Cicada said...

My question:

What does Th. mean when he says, "I don't really mind, but maybe I should be"?

At 14/10/05 1:58 PM, Blogger Cooper said...

My question: Why do some foods taste good to some people and bad to others? Does the food taste the same and our bodies have different chemical reactions that make us like or dislike it? Or does the same food taste differently to different people? For example, if we both eat meatloaf, and I love it and you detest it (hypothetically, of course, because who doesn't love a good meatloaf), is it that your body produces repulsing chemicals and mine produces tasty chemicals, or do you taste something different than I taste?


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